I didn't intend to take so long off of blogging but the last couple to few months have been super busy! My husband drew two hunts of a lifetime (Big Horn Sheep and Mountain Goat) here in Colorado. That took lots of planning on our part and then.... it's also been 2020. We had a freak fall winter storm that graced us with nearly TWO FEET of snow in Early September. I had to rush to get all of my portable planters inside and did my best attempt at continuing the grow season with my indoor greenhouse and grow lights. Overall, I was able to continue my tomato plants nearly two months.
I had my most successful year yet with growing tomatoes in containers and I was able to harvest one jalapeño. Our grandpa is a jalapeño enthusiast and said it was so hot that it about burned his tongue off.
I had great luck with growing Grand Rapids Lettuce, Romaine, and Spinach. I was also able to get a hand full of tasty little carrots that overwintered in the raised bed.
Here is my slightly delayed 2020 Veggie Garden Recap in honor of the end of my growing season and having the fall growing blues.
To stay up to date with all thing High Altitude Gardening-Gardening at 10,200 ft., Follow me on IG @justalittleplantlady or at https://www.instagram.com/justalittleplantlady/.